about the squirrel

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Mihi nomen est Augustus Alexander Lazarus and I'm a squirrel of many turns. I'm both a classicist and a computer something-or-other, but in my free time I do art: I'm something of a polymath, execept without any accomplishments to prove it. There's also something fundamentally wrong with me.

Academically speaking, I have a variety of interests. I'm especially interested in Latin poetry, especially between the 1st century BCE to the 1st century CE. Favorite poems include Horace's Odes 2.17 and Catullus 63.

My interest specifically lies in how work of Roman poets often transgresses the social norms we expect of ancient peoples. Social and sexual customs are either intensified to the point of parody (as in many of Martial's poems), or peeled back to show the poet's self awareness of his society's flaws (as in Catullus 63). I'm also interested in the linguistic qualities of Roman poetry, specifically with respect to meter.

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My day job involves code, mostly. I spend a lot of time doing low-level programming, usually in C or ASM. One of my major goals is to write a hobby operating system (à la TempleOS, but without the racism and homophobia). Right now, I am working on a simple bootloader to play with assembly. I'm also really into the open source / libre software movement.

I'm also a squirrel who loves God, mischief, and my wife.