- Lovino Dezhell (Λοϝινω Δεζελλ): A shy corpse. Completely agonized by wine-dark suffering. Speaks in red.
- Ayumi Tahodyi (Αιυμι Τα-Ὡδιι): Our Lady of Eternal Dying. Used to be interested in permaculture. Speaks in orange.
- Marette Singerang (Μαρεττ Σινγκερανγκ): She's not sure how she got here. Overtly wistful. Speaks in blue.
- Evikh Lestrange (Εϝιχ Λεστρανγκ): Violence is so tender. What's behind that hidden eye? Speaks in purple.
- Azalée Mera (Αζαλή Μερα): The one who sees thrice. Knows her otherselves intimately. Speaks in brown.
- T'Chia Mennix (Ττσια Μεννιξ): The one who chooses to live. Struggling to survive. Speaks in pink.
- Jatnip Ambroise (Ζατνιπ Αμβροιση): Knows we'll all be OK. Overjoyed in this world. Speaks in lavender.