Your name is Lovino and you're a corpse. Your name is Lovino and you want to go home, but home no longer exists. Your name is Lovino and, admittedly, you're an alcoholic.
Lovino is a character shaped like a protagonist. He is in a romantic relationship with Evikh Lestrange, and has some romantic tension with Ayumi-Yei Tahodyi. He is fairly close with Marette Singerang, and he sees Jatnip Ambroise as something of a sister.
Lovino is the Witch of Blood, and he's not sure what that means. In another world, he might have been a Prospit dreamer, but he does not know what that means.
Lovino used to enjoy writing, before the game. He had a couple of projects going, but he doesn't think he'll return to them.
Soon everything will make sense.