You attempt to rise, plucking yourself up from the field of asphodel that may be your final resting place. You feel groggy, and obviously you’re unwell. But you have to keep going, otherwise you’ll never get up again.

You hear a buzz on your phone.


    LOVINO: You should come over, if you’re feeling well enough.
    AYUMI: you sure?
    LOVINO: Yeah, but only if you’re up for it.
    LOVINO: I don’t want to strain anything.
    AYUMI: no, gladly
    AYUMI: anything for a distraction
    LOVINO: One of the locals here says I have become the Witch, the savior of the planet
    AYUMI: interesting
    LOVINO: Overwhelming.
    LOVINO: And I don’t know what it means
    LOVINO: Or if I have any powers in addition to the ability to fly
    AYUMI: presumably a witch is full of magic, albeit magic that is thus far obfuscated to you
    LOVINO: I’m unsure how to tap into my potential.
    LOVINO: And you know a thing or two about magic.
    AYUMI: i wouldn’t call it magic.
    AYUMI: but sure.
    AYUMI: i’ll be at your house as soon as i can
    LOVINO: Thanks. Take your time; I’ll be a minute.

    == [CHAT LOG CEASE] ==
